giovedì 9 maggio 2013

Honey + FREE !

Poses:: Focus Poses Model 126 ::
Skin.::WoW Skins::. Faiza skin & shape New
LipsPink Acid Pom Pom Lip Shine 8 Pack @The Dressing Room
Bow:FY: Kawaii Bow
Hair MeshMagika [03] Plenty
Jewells((Crystal Line))Elegance Pearl Accessory Set New
NailsSuPerBia -NaiLs - *PoLiSh* CLoWn TiPs V.2 (bag)
Bird*MishMish* Fat Lil Bird PET MESH - blue
Swimsuit Mesh{Poptart} Frilly Swuimsuit & Glasses hunt  Free
Boots{Poptart} Chibi Winged Boots (PurpleWing/Unicorn) RARE.

Thanks Designers for the Support

❤ *Photo and Graphic by Kyle Chiantelle*

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