venerdì 23 novembre 2012

RuDe GirL

Shape- SuPerBia - NiXie  (bag)
Skin- ~G O L A~ *Wine* Skin&Shape New
Hair Mesh- Alice Project - Steph II - Streaked Blondes hunt Free
Necklace- [Cyber Gem Jewellery] Spring Necklace Hunt 2012 BOXED hunt womenstuff Free
Piercings- SuPerBia - PierCinGs *SeT 13* M&F (bag) New
Tattoo Arm Mesh- ~G O L A~ *Wine* Tattoo New
Rings- SuPerBia  * SpiKes RinGs* (bag) New
Dress- TDPH #17 {BoobieLicious} My Dirty Pillow Hunt Dress Free

Bag- BENDER*Happy Holiday*Saten Bow Clutch Bag_2-color Change Free
Shoes- [Ngelic] EXtreeme heels Black-wear bag

Thanks Designers for the Support

*Photo and Graphic by Kyle Chiantelle*

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