lunedì 4 febbraio 2013

In LoVe + Freebie

Poses-::WetCat:: "Linares" Flamenco Runway Set
Shape- .:Panda Punx.: Isabella Shape- New
Skin-[Hush]  Olivia Skin - Sky - honey New 
Lashes- [Hush] Lashes - Lush (boxed) New
Lips- Pink Acid SFW Exclusives - cherry red New
Teeth Lips- ~G O L A  Industry~ Face Tattoo@SIS* teeth lips New
Nails- SuPerBia-NaiLs - *PoLiSh* CLoWn TiPs V.2 - cherry
Tshirt/Pants Mesh- .::CENSORED::. Pajamas (I love my boyfriend) group gift Free
Boots-{PopTart} Sparkle Twist Heels (Onyx) New

Thanks Designer for the Support

*Photo and Graphic by Kyle Chiantelle*

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