mercoledì 8 maggio 2013

Chasing The Sun

Pose- :: Focus Poses Model  124 ::
Skin[Hush] Robin Skin - Charcoal - Sugar 
Lips- Pink Acid Pom Pom Lip Shine 8 Pack @SL Fashion Week
Hair Mesh- [e] Caramel - brown 08
Necklace...:: Bens Beauty ::.. Stella Necklace New
NailsSuPerBia NaiLs - PoLiSheD 
Rings...:: Bens Beauty ::.. Melissa Ring Cream Gold
Sweater Mesh[M.o.w] Cropped Layered Sweater  - BLACK -  New
Skirt Mesh- *C  - Jeans skirt Ely (blue/d) New
Boots- NS::  Essential boots Mesh  New

Thanks Designers for the Support

❤ *Photo and Graphic by Kyle Chiantelle*

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