lunedì 4 novembre 2013

Bluedreams + FREE

Poses-:: Focus Poses Model 127 ::
Skin/tattoo makeup-.::WoW Skins::. Mary Milk  New
Lips-Pink Acid Plumped Lippy V3 + Teeth @TRFF
Nails hud-SuPerBia NaiLs >SLinK FinGeRNaiLs<>SuMMeR<
Hands-Slink Mesh Hand Flat
Hair-Analog Dog freeball Free
Top Mesh-1 Hundred. Reminisce Blouse. Blue @Designer Circle
Skirt Mesh-1 Hundred. Reminisce Skirt. Blue @Designer Circle
Bag-!1mm***  choco bag 2012 bitter Free

Thanks Designers for the Support
 *.*Photo and Graphic by Kyle Chiantelle*.*

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