venerdì 12 dicembre 2014

❤ Winter Candy ❤

Skin- ::[annaA]:: Skin / Shape " Danielle " - vanilla - @Winter Trend SL  2014
Lips-Pink Acid Holiday Lip Glaze + TMP/LM/Tat - All Colors <3 New
Hair-[^.^Ayashi^.^] Yumiko hair-Fatpack
Headband-Bowtique - Jeweled Ribbon Earmuffs (with HUD)
Hands-Slink  AvEnhance Hands Female - Elegant Ty Slink
Slink  Mesh Hand Flat Ty Slink
Nails Hud-La Boheme DjinnGold Manicure @Winter Trend SL  2014
Coat-Bowtique - Sophia Coat
Boots-Bowtique - Furribon Boots (with HUD)

Thanks Designers for the Support
 *.*Photo and Graphic by Kyle Chiantelle*.*

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